In the community and voluntary sector, it is usual that expertise – whether at board, employee or volunteer level – is focused on service delivery objectives. This can mean that limited time and resources exists in-house to deal with the complex range of issues that can arise on a the day to day basis. For this reason, organisations such as charities, community based services and sporting organisations find that they need to draw on external supports for specialised services to supplement their operations.
Clearcut Consulting offers a wide range of HR, recruitment, training and other management supports to the community and voluntary sector including:
- Drafting and developing job specifications, job descriptions and job advertisements
- Design of assessment processes for internal and external recruitment
- Screening and short listing of candidates
- Participation in recruitment and selection boards
- Group interviews, ‘in box’ exercises and assessment centres
- Interview skills training for managers
- Psychometric Testing
- Training needs analysis
- Appraisals and Personal Development Plans
- Career and Succession Planning
- Performance management
- Career Coaching
- Outplacement supports
- Drafting, development and updating of employee handbooks
- Report and proposal writing
- Programme evaluation
- Design, delivery, review and evaluation of employability programmes
- Output measurement
- Design and analysis of customer/client feedback surveys
For organisations working with job seekers, we can provide you with additional professional educational and career guidance resources to support and enhance your employability programmes. We can also provide coaching and mentoring for your front line staff.
For more information or to arrange to speak to us, in confidence, about your organisation’s needs, please contact us